The Department of Natural Resources reminds everybody to be safe on the water this week of July weekend and every other time you're on the water.
What starts as a perfect day for boating can quickly become toxic if you wind up at the water unintentionally. Voluntary, consistent life jacket usage is the best choice you can make for your safety whilst enjoying a day out on the water.
As stated by the U.S. Coast Guard, drowning is the leading cause of death in the majority of recreational boating fatalities, and most people who drowned were not wearing life jackets. In 2019, 79 percent of fatal boating accident victims drowned. Many people who drown in boating accidents understand how to swim but eventually become incapacitated from water.
Famous for its numerous lakes and waterways, Wisconsin is where boaters and paddlers can get near nature and have fun. When heading out for a day to the water, make sure security a part of this strategy.
Being secure no longer means donning a clumsy preserver. It's possible to discover lightweight and trendy options at the local marine supply merchant or perhaps online. New varieties include belt packs and other non-toxic coats which are easy to move in, and come in many sizes, styles and shapes for every individual and every game. There are even ones for pets.
Find out more about the life jacket best for your sport -- boating, paddleboards, canoes and kayaks .